Here you can find neurological centres in the UK, questions to ask your doctor and advice on what to do when you are undiagnosed. You can also read articles on managing symptoms such as fatigue and neuropathic pain, as well as health and lifestyle tips to improve your wellbeing. There are also online support groups including Neuro Creative Writing and Neuro Carers social group. There are events for both patients and carers and plenty of ways for you to get involved in fundraising and supporting the foundation.

This website offers advice on caring for someone with PTSD or TBI and covers topics such as isolations & loneliness, guilt & remorse, fear and anxiety, anger and resentment. There are articles on how PTSD and TBI affects family relationships, parenting and siblings of children with a brain injury. There is a whole section dedicated to military and veterans with advice on returning to work and symptom management.

Headway provides a way to search for brain injury support groups and services in your local area. Support includes brain injury rehabilitation programmes, carer support, social re-integration, community outreach and respite care. You can also find a list of care providers, head injury solicitors and online communities.
Headway Acute Trauma Support provide nurses to support patients and families both emotionally and practically by explaining treatment options, terminology, and care pathways. Whether you live with a brain injury or know someone who has a brain injury, Headway is on hand to help provide the best support for you.

The primary role of this organisation is to raise awareness of acquired brain injury. They signpost people who live with brain injuries to other organisations, so people receive all the information and support that they need. Membership is made up of a variety of healthcare professionals alongside people living with ABI and their carers. Everyone can be supported on a local and national basis.