Assists amputees with many of their support needs and provides information that will be relevant to starting a new life as an amputee. This includes information about benefits, legal matters, prosthetic advice, and retraining.

The only national group that supports limbless veterans for the duration of their lives, offering financial and emotional support for them and their families. On the website link above, there are regional support officers for you to contact. Blesma is also able to put you in contact with external agencies and charities that can offer bespoke support. There is also advice on prosthetics, grants, benefits, employment and activities for keeping you active after injury.

Limbcare provides information about grants, benefits, types of amputation and causes of amputation. They also visit schools, colleges and universities to inform the younger generation about how a younger amputee cope. They even provide ways to recycle mobility scooters, powered wheelchairs, and artificial limbs.

The Largest Civilian Limb Loss Charity in the UK, established in 1983. This organisation offers information, advice and support for amputees, their family, friends and professionals. You can receive one-to-one support pre and post amputation. There are a variety of membership options ranging from living as an Amputee through to being a parent or friend of an amputee.

If you love sports and arts and you are also an amputee, then this organisation could be a great source of support for you. They are a National Disability Sports Organisation aiming to help amputees reach their sporting potential. They also have a photography club for those who are more creative.
Their website is full of advice on how to receive the correct training to make your limb-wearing become easier when you intend on participating in sport. There is further information on sporting prosthetics, finding a sport, exercise, arts for rehabilitation, and advice for children who wear prosthetics.

Exists to advance and promote the physical, mental and spiritual welfare of persons who are born without or have lost one or more limbs or are otherwise physically disabled.